All about me :0)
Today I am 8 months old!
Mummy, Papa, Jordan and Max think I'm the cutest baby in the world!
I have to admit; I do have the lovliest chubby cheeks and cute chunky thighs.
My hair style is a source of amusement, but I'm working on it.
I now weigh 7kg which is a massive achievement for me; for so long I wasn't even on the growth charts. But now I'm storming my way up them, and am now on the 9th centile.
Unfortunately, my head still hasn't made it onto the charts at a teensy 40cm. Shame they don't measure it round my cheeks :0)
I still have my baby blue eyes.
With eyelashes some can only dream of! All curled. No mascara required.
Some might say I am rather spoilt...
You see I'm not one of those babies who's content amusing themselves. If I'm awake, I need holding, cuddling, feeding or entertaining.
Mummy still hasn't left me. Not even with Daddy. We are almost one person.
I am mummy's little helper. We do jobs around the house together- me in my babasling.
I'm still on the mumma milk whenever I ask, but have taken to solids really well, and can now even manage lumps and the odd bit of cake or chocolate.
My favourite foods are; sweet potato, milky bar, roast dinner and yogurts.
My very best thing to do is have a bath. Especially with mummy.
I love it when she holds just my head, so that my body floats, and I kick and splash and wiggle my little body around. I always have a good scream when Daddy gets me out.
I also love hanging out with my big sis and my big big bro. Last night we all laid on my mat and were putting our legs up in the air. I was shouting my head off.
I love having no nappy on!
And thoroughly enjoy a full body massage by mummy including this little piggy.
I enjoy doing 'row row row the boat' and mummy's 'ahhh-rooo' rocking.
My favourite toys are my storytime bear, my plonky puppy wa and anything else that's really loud.
I do really like the sound of my own voice and can make some really loud noises. Right now, I'm having a poo. I'm not very lady like in that department and always grunt whilst doing them :0)
Sometimes, I worry mummy by sleeping too much. But then other days I make up for it by only sleeping for 1-2 hours all night.
I can now roll from my front to my back- that's largely because I hate being on my front.
My head control is coming along. Somedays it's better than other days. I still can't lift it when I'm on my front, but I'm less wobbly when mummy holds me upright now.
On a good day, I can sit in my bumbo seat, or even go in my door bouncer for a few minutes, so long as someone is there to support me incase my head flops back.
My eyes are the same; good days and bad. Sometimes I can barely see a thing, but other days I look right at things and people.
I may not be doing all the same things the average 8 month old are does, but for me, all these things are massive achievements. I AM FAR FROM AVERAGE! I am just soooo special:0)
I have defied the odds by some of my achievements.
Even Though I have so many problems, I still laugh and smile.
I have made my family so happy.
I am so loved by so many.
I have touched the hearts of people I've never even met.
I have made many cry, but also smile.
I have taught so many people, so many lessons.
Thank you for following my life.
Love from
Da baba Honk
Just for the record; my big big brother Max, Still hasn't called me Hope!